Technical Workshop

Flood Mapping Tools for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Using Satellite Data and Hydrodynamic Models: A Case Study of Bagmathi Basin, India

Reducing vulnerability among smallholder farmers through index-based flood insurance in India: equity matters
Every year, millions of Indian farmers have their crops damaged by floods. Until recently there were very few ways that poor smallholders could obtain insurance against this calamity. Now, using satellite remote sensing and computer modeling to measure flood inundation, a new scheme can help provide protection against crop damage and help build community resilience.
Workshop – Dhaka, Bangladesh (November 2015)
- Agenda
- Workshop on Enhancing the benefits of Remote Sensing Data and Flood Hazard Modeling in Index-based Flood Insurance (IBFI) (PDF)
- Agriculture Index Insurance in Bangladesh – IWMI-IWM IBFI Inception Workshop (PDF)
- Weather Index Based Loss of Wages Flood Insurance in Bangladesh (PDF)
- Index Based Flood Insurance – Pointers for a Communications and Uptake Plan (PDF)
Workshop – Patna (August 2015)
Technical presentations:
- Can We Design Better Microinsurance
- Agriculture Index Insurance in India With focus on Weather and Flood Index
- Enhancing the benefits of Remote Sensing Data and Flood Hazard Modeling in Index-based Flood Insurance (IBFI) for the Rural Farmers in South Asia
- Operational flood forecasting system using hydrologicl and hydraulic modelling for pilot districts covering the koshi basin in india
- Flood hazard modeling to derive parameters for Insurance index
- The Design of Index-based Flood Insurance
- Business Models and Institutional Framework for Up-scaling Index-based Flood Insurance Products
- Implementation Strategies by eeMAUSAM
- Pointers for a Communications and Uptake Plan
Index Based Flood Insurance: Testing Business Model in Agricultural Risk Management Workshop, Delhi (08th March,2017)
Workshop on implementation strategies for piloting flood index insurance for agricultural development in Dhaka, Bangladesh (03 May 2017)
Policy Dialogue Workshop on Flood Index Insurance and Drought Management for Agricultural Development in Patna, Bihar (India) – (June 2017)
Weather insurance links
World Bank’s Weather Risk Management Site
This website, which consists of one page of text and some external links, contains basic background information about weather insurance with a clear focus on index based products. The first half of the page provides a broad description of index insurance while the second contains links to World Bank authored papers (many case studies) on weather insurance. The papers could be useful for researchers and other specialists who would like to read about different weather insurance programs examined by the bank. Researchers will find that this page is only useful insofar as it provides links to some important work on weather insurance.
Forum for Agricultural Risk Management
The Forum for Agricultural Risk Management is a network organization created by the Swiss Government and several other sponsors in order to facilitate the exchange of academic and practical knowledge about agricultural risk management methods. Their user-friendly site is geared towards general interest audiences and specialists alike with information from basic risk management concepts to publications archive with academic work on agricultural insurance. One of the attributes that differentiate this site from others is that visitors have the option to join an online community where they can connect to others involved in agricultural risk management.
Also, the site contains a subsection on index insurance which contains latest news, videos and a map/database of current index insurance projects all over the world. This section can be found at . Overall, the site is a great resource for those who want to learn more about agricultural risk management and network with other practitioners in the field.
Index Insurance Innovation Initiative
I4 is a joint initiative housed at the University of California – Davis, sponsored by BASIS, USAID, ILO, FAO and several other organizations focused exclusively on catalyzing innovation in index based insurance. The project is currently funding 10 index insurance pilot projects, led by mostly by US-based researchers, being conducted across Latin America, Africa and Asia. The site contains some useful information about the pilots sponsored by I4 but unfortunately, not much detailed information about other index insurance projects. Overall, the site serves a good reference resource for I4’s ongoing and upcoming work with index insurance but perhaps not for index insurance overall.
CGIAR research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) strengthens the knowledge and evidence for how to design, target, and implement insurance programs that enable vulnerable rural communities – including women and other disadvantaged groups – to manage climate risk and adapt to climate change. It addresses index and insurance design, gender-specific needs, bundling, communication and capacity challenges at scale, public-private partnerships, and sustainable business models.