Farmers who took part in a high-tech flood insurance scheme in Bihar, India, shared a total payout of INR 7.52 lakhs (USD $10,500) following the 2019 monsoon. The season, which runs from June to September, brought devastating floods to large parts of India, Bangladesh and Nepal. In Bihar, 13 districts were affected, including Muzaffapur, where the insurance trial was conducted during July. Two hundred and sixty nine households in Katara and Gaighat blocks were insured through the scheme, paying a total premium of INR 338,843 (USD $4,462). Farmers from 150 of these households received payouts, enabling them to repair their homes and replant crops quickly.
Project news
- WLE: Digital defenses: Can high-tech insurance flood-proof vulnerable farmers? September 22, 2020
- ESCAP: Investing in innovative solutions to manage cascading disaster risks in South Asia: Key takeaways for stakeholders September 22, 2020
- GeospatialWorld: Insurance helps reduce risk from flooding for Asia’s vulnerable rural smallholders September 22, 2020
- CCAFS: First satellite-based insurance trial in Bangladesh helps farmers recover from flooding September 22, 2020
- Flood insurance in the climate change era: can science and tech help women get a better deal? January 24, 2018
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